How Do I Use Post Mix Concrete For My Fencing Project?
Post Mix concrete is a versatile fast-setting concrete solution that's perfect for both DIY enthusiasts and professionals. When used in the garden, it creates sturdy foundations for gate posts, fence posts, and even pergolas, all without the hassle of measuring various materials or dealing with a cement mixer. Here’s a handy guide for using Post Mix for your fencing project:
What is Post Mix Concrete?
Secure and quick-setting
Post mix is a pre-made concrete mix designed for securely anchoring timber, metal, or concrete fence posts, gate posts, and line posts. This mixture contains a combination of cement and ballast, resulting in high-quality concrete that sets quickly, ensuring your posts are secure.
When using Post Mix for fence or gate posts, consider the depth at which you place them. As a general guide, the depth of the hole should be between one-third and one-half of the post height above ground. A six-foot fence, for example, would need a hole depth between two and three feet. Ensuring the hole is the correct depth will keep the fence stable, even when facing impacts, gate movement, or bad weather.

A simple guide to using Post Mix Concrete?
Step by step
Start by digging a hole for your post. Place the post firmly in the hole and fill it halfway with water.
Pour the dry Post Mix concrete into the hole until it's above the water level. Add more water if you see dry powder.
Stir the mix with a stick to release trapped air bubbles. Adjust the post's position and let it set.
In areas with poor drainage, consider adding a layer of shingle at the hole's bottom for better water runoff.
Wear gloves and a face mask to avoid concrete dust irritation. Keep the concrete level above ground to prevent water pooling.
The Quick Setting of Post Mix Concrete
The rapid alternative to traditional concrete
Post Mix Concrete is known for its speedy setting. It starts solidifying within minutes of adding water, becoming firm in 10 to 20 minutes. This rapid setting allows for adjustments and ensures your posts are straight before it fully hardens. In contrast, traditional mixed concrete can take hours or even days to reach the same strength.
To be safe, wait at least 4 hours before adding stress to the post, like attaching fence panels.

How Much Post Mix Do You Need?
Getting it right
The amount of Post Mix Concrete depends on your hole's size. As a general rule, you'll typically need about one and a third bags for a standard fence post. For gate posts that endure more stress due to movement, you may need three or four bags. The advantage of choosing our range of Post Mix concrete, is that it comes in a fully water-resistant bag, meaning you can save any surplus for future projects.
How can we help?
For more guidance on your fencing project, don't hesitate to contact our experts at Fountain Timber. We offer a range of Post Mix concrete and high-quality fencing products to ensure your project meets the highest standards.
Fencing Advice
Fencing Gallery
View our Fencing Gallery for inspiration for your fencing project. Featuring a variety of styles and installation options from a selection of tradesmen.
Choosing Your Fencing
Fencing comes in a variety of styles and types, each with its own set of benefits depending on the function you need it to serve and deciding on the right one is not always easy.
Caring for Your Timber Fencing
Choosing good quality timber and taking a few basic steps to help protect it from the elements will give your fence the best chance of standing the test of time.