Hardwood Logs

Hardwood Ready to Burn
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Hardwood Ready to Burn

Hardwood Logs


Hardwood logs easy to use and ideal for both open fires and wood burning stoves. Hardwood comes from trees that lose their leaves in winter such as Oak, Ash, Beech etc. They are slow growing and therefore provide a dense timber that creates a hot, long lasting fire with a low, consistent flame and without a lot of smoke or sparks. The wood also creates hot coals which give out radiant heat for a long period of time so they are traditional choice for log burning stoves and overnight heating. Seasoned, ready to burn (below 20% moisture content) and supplied in a mini dumpy bag (450 x 450 x 600 mm, approx 115 l) for easy handling and transportation or dumpy bags (0.75m3).

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