How To Care For Your Timber Fencing

Timber is still a number one choice for many people when it comes to fencing. A well designed wooden fence will not only provide security and privacy for your garden but will add a touch of style too. Choosing good quality timber and taking a few basic steps to help protect it from the elements will give your fence the best chance of standing the test of time. 

There are many products on the market that can help you extend the life of your fence and keep it well protected and looking good for longer. Preservatives, oils and stains will enhance the natural colouring of the timber, or if you want a more dramatic effect chose from a range of paints and colours, most of which will now come with weather preservatives mixed in.

There is no strict timeframe on how often you will need to stain and reseal your fence as this will greatly depend on the weather and the wood itself. However, as a general rule when water no longer beads up on the wooden fence but instead soaks in, it is time to reseal - this is usually every couple of years.

Cleaning the Fence

Before applying the stain, make sure that the fence is clean.  If the fence is sturdy enough, you can wash it with a power-washer and any green or black mould on it should be scrubbed with watered bleach. Let the timber dry completely before you start painting as the stain won’t take to wood that is already wet.

Making Repairs

A timber fence may be damaged in any number of ways: rotting, splitting or other mishaps and this is a good time to make any repairs that are needed. If the parts of the fence are damaged beyond repair replace them.

Staining Your Fence

Once clean and completely dry, the fence is ready for staining. Try to wait until the fence is in the shade before you start work. Direct sun will dry the paint too fast and it won’t be able to soak into the timber and provide the proper protection.

Applying the stain can be done with a brush, a roller or with a power sprayer. In any case, you will need to use a brush to paint the harder-to-reach areas and edges where you need to be careful not to spray stain for example to protect delicate plants or near the walls.

There is vast range of wood stains available so choose the one that is most suitable for your fence. Check on the tin for coverage to make sure you buy enough.

Stains and oils will give your fence a hint of colour and protect it from the elements while maintaining a natural wood look. If you opt for colour make sure to consider the overall look and try applying a small amount to an area of fence that’s not too obvious first, and let it dry to make sure it comes out the colour that you want.

Always paint in the same directions as the grain of the timber. Start at the top and work your way down.

Follow the stain manufacturer’s instructions on how many coats are needed, and how soon subsequent coats can be applied.

At Fountain Timber, we stock a great selection of woodcare products that will help you look after your fence.

For further information on how to best treat or stain your timber fences, take a look at either of these websites:

The information and advice in this article is provided in good faith and is designed to give general information and guidance. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. If in doubt we strongly recommend you seek professional assistance.

If you need further advice with your purchase please ask our experienced staff, we will be happy to help!

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